Saturday, December 27, 2008

On my own!

The other night, I realized I had never seen the world and that, because of it, I was still like a child with no real life experience! So I went out! Right now I'm staying with Mrs. Linde until I can figure out what I want to do, but for now, isn't this exciting!

I've decided I want to travel. I don't have much money but I'm sure I can make some money copying in my spare time and save up so I can go out on my own and see the world.

I told Torvald I would no longer see him or the children again. I know what you're thinking: how could I possibly leave my children? But the thing is is that I need to do this for me! For once in my life I'm not anyone's posession! I am my own person. And I am going to make the most of my freedom!

I'm off to see the world...wish me luck!

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