Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve!

Oh what a day! So much happened that I'm surprised I don't collapse from exhaustion right now! But I think I handled it all very well, if I do say so myself. First off I managed to get all of the gifts for the children and I convinced Torvald to give me more money! Hopefully now I can pay off my debt to that evil man Krogstad...but we'll get to that part later!

I had an interesting visitor today: at the same time dear Dr. Rank came in, this woman I did not at first recognize came in and asked to see me. She was so pale and thin, but then I realized it was my poor friend Christine Linde who I haven't seen in forever! The poor girls husband died and now she's all alone. She literally has nothing, no children, no family, and very little money--the poor dear. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about money! When Torvald gets his new job we'll have so much money and I have my three beautiful children! Oh but listen to me, rambling on about my life, back to poor Christine. You know what I did for her? I helped her out! I promised to talk to Torvald about getting her a job at the bank so she'll have money to support herself! And then she called me childish! But I don't blame her because she couldn't possibly know all of the hardships I've been through! I told her all about how I helped Torvald--not only did I feel much better being able to tell someone about it, but she wouldn't dare call me childish if she knew all that I've been through! I told her all about how I got a job and how I should have my debt paid off by the New Year!

And then the worst man who could have possibly came to our home had the nerve to come and talk to Torvald...Krogstad! The man I owe my debt too! But I swiftly avoided that, he went back to talk to Torvald...I hope it's not bad. I think Christine might like him...which is weird considering how cruel he is. But again, we'll get to that later. Then Dr. Rank came in and said how "morally sick" the man was. And I got to eat my macaroons ;)

Then after they left, that...OOOH that awful man came back! And he had the nerve to black mail me into trying to convince Torvald to give him his job back! Not only do I have to pay him back, noo, that's not good enough! I have to get the low-life his job back! Must I do everything around here! I'll have to be sneaky though so Torvald doesn't get suspicious...Oops here he comes now!

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