Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Thank goodness Christine came over early to fix my costume! Dr. Rank stopped by while she was here and she automatically assumed that he was the source of my loan...she was wrong.

I decided once more to convince Torvald to give Krogstad his job back...that wasn't successful seeing as he mailed out a letter today dismissing Krogstad.

Dr. Rank came back to tell me that he felt something bad was going to happen. Did he know what the loan I took from Krogstad?...He told me that it was health, though. Thank goodness!
He told me that he didn't have much time to live. I didn't know what else to do, so I decided to flirt with him to see if he could help my problem with Krogstad. But I had no idea he actually loved me. I couldn't possibly ask him to help me now!! He offered to go away forever, but I really do enjoy spending time with him and convinced him to continue coming around the house to keep Torvald company.

Krogstad came around at the worst time possible. I had to quickly shoo Dr. Rank into the other room. He told me that all our problems would be over if Torvald would just promote him...which I told him he will never do. On his way out, he dropped a letter into the mailbox telling Torvald what I had done!...I'm a wreck!! Luckily, Christine came in and offers to speak with Krogstad. She confesses she once had a relationship with I hope that will help!

The rest of the night, I spent trying to stall Torvald from opening the mail. I made him reteach me the Tarantalla, but I kept messing it up on purpose in order to waste more time.

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